С самого начала своей деятельности Omniprex Group работает в тесном сотрудничестве с лучшими больницами мира и лучшими врачами. Помните, что мы также помогаем крупным фармацевтическим компаниям в выборе необходимых центров и необходимых специалистов. Вам придется уделить много времени, чтобы просмотреть список больниц, потому что их очень много…
США и Канада

- MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX)
- NYU Medical Center (New York, NY)
- Mount Sinai Medical School (New York, NY)
- Cornell University (New York, NY)
- John Hopkins (Baltimore, MD)
- New York Presbyterian Hospital (New York, NY)
- Lee Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, FL)
- Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA)
- Joslin Diabetes Center – Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA)
- Dana Farber Cancer Center (Boston, MA)
- Montefiore Medical Center (New York, NY)
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY)
- UCLA University of California (Los Angeles, CA)
- Hospital for Joint Disease NYU, University School of Medicine (New York, NY)
- Northwestern University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
- Jackson Memorial Medical Center (Miami, FL)
- Psychiatric Institute of Washington (Washington, DC)
- Rush Epilepsy Center (Chicago)
- University of Miami School of Medicine (Miami, FL)
- University of Texas Southwestern (Dallas, TX)
- USCF San Francisco General Hospital (San Francisco, CA)
- University of Miami Infertility Center (UMIC) (Miami, FL)
- Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center (Chicago, IL)
- Evanston Northwestern Hospital (Chicago, IL)
- Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (Boston, MA)
- Center for Hip & Knee Replacement, Columbia Univ. (New York, NY)
- Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH)
- Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX)
- Georgetown University Medical Center (Washington, DC)
- Yale University (New Haven, CT)
- Jefferson Health Care College (Philadelphia, PA)
- National Institute in Bethesda (NIAMS) (Bethesda, MD)
- Long Island Jewish Medical Center (New York, NY)
- MD Psychiatric Research Center (Baltimore, MD)
- University of Cincinnati Medical Center (Cincinnati, OH)
- National Jewish (Denver, CO)
- St. Luke ́s Roosevelt Hospital Center (Fountain House, NY)
- Texas Tech University (Lubbock, TX)
- University of Colorado (Denver, CO)
- Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)
- Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO)
- Tulane Medical Center (New Orleans, LA)
- St. Joseph Hospital (Hamilton, Canada)
- Hospital University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
- McMaster University (Hamilton Ontario Canada)
- McGill University Health Centre (Canada)
- Royal Victoria Hospital of Montreal (Canada)
- General Hospital, St. John (Canada)
- King’s College Hospital of London (UK)
- Bristol Urological Institute (UK)
- Maudsley Hospital of King’s College of London (UK)
- Leuven University (Belgium)
- Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
- Karolinska Institute of Stockholm (Sweden)
- Imperial College School of Medicine (London, UK)
- J.W. Goethe University Hospital of Frankfurt (Germany)
- HIV Research and Westminster Hospital of London (UK)
- Hôpital Saint Antoine (Paris, France)
- Saint Louis Hôpital (Paris, France)
- Hospital Valle Hebrón (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hôpital Bichat (Paris, France)
- University of Heidelberg (Germany)
- Ospedale S. Raffaele di Milano (Italy)
- Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid, Spain)
- Charité Berlin (Germany)
- University of Manheim (Germany)
- Centro Médico Teknon (Barcelona, Spain)
- Weeston Park Hospital Sheffield (UK)
- Academic Medical Center (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Cambridge University- Addenbrookes Hospital (UK)
- Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Guy’s Hospital (London, UK)
- Hospital Costa del Sol (Marbella, Spain)
- Birmingham University CRC Institute (UK)
- Aarthus University Hospital (Denmark)
- Western General Hospital of Edinburgh (Scotland)
- Hospital Arnaud de Villeneuve (Montpellier, France)
- European Institute of Oncology (Milan, Italy)
- Fondazione IRCCS – Instituto Nazionale Tumori (Milan, Italy)
- Klinik fur Psychiatrie- University of Munich (Germany)
- Clinique Saint Agustin (Bordeaux, France)
- Jules Bordet Institute (Brussels, Belgium)
- Clínica Quiron (Barcelona, Spain)
- Heinrich- Heine University Dusseldorf (Germany)
- Athens University Medical School (Greece)
- University Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands)
- Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneva Switzerland)
- CHU de Montpellier (France)
- Maastricht University Hospital (Holland)
- Lausanne University (Switzerland)
- Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid, Spain)
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- Royal College of Surgeons (Dublin, Ireland)
- Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Spain)
- Linkoping University (Sweden)
- Hospital San Juan de Dios (Barcelona, Spain)
- St. James Hospital of Dublin (Ireland)
- University of Essen (Germany)
- Instituto Universitario Dexeus (Barcelona, Spain)
- Claude Bernard University of Lion (France)
- Hospital Universitario de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
- National Center for Epilepsy (Norway)
- Kuopio University Hospital (Finland)
- Hospital de San Pablo (Barcelona, Spain)
- CHU de Toulouse (France)