A Tale about Knowledge
First example, two quite similar cases in age and diagnostic. The cases are from 2006, and both of them were treated in top-level Hospitals (3rd Level –Top-; even transplantations were performed in both centers). Both patients relay in their physicians’ advice. The treatments they used were Top-line in both cases, but one medial team was more up-to the-date than the other. We show the relevant details only for better understanding.
Patient A
Age, 77 years old, Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma diagnosed. No metastasis. Bad general condition, which forbade good-then standard treatment: surgery + radiotherapy + chemo (standard).
Medical Team proposed a new line of treatment (now called Targeted therapy, standard now but really new back then). Special chemo + local radiotherapy.
Patient B
Age, 77 years old, Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma diagnosed. No metastasis. Good general condition. Treated with a lung-cancer standard combination: surgery (an experienced surgeon performed the operation), + radio + chemo (not targeted). After the surgery, patient was declared probably free of cancer (by the surgeon)
Six months later, metastasis appeared. More rounds of chemo,
Yes, patient was very lucky. Standard treatment will probably have killed him. But with top medical advice, one may reach the same results, no matter how lucky you are.
Could be alive this patient?
Nobody knows. But for sure, the treatment he received, even adequate by that time standards, didn’t help him. Moral of this case is: there was a better treatment although not standard in that Hospital, and the medical team should have discussed it..
A Tale about Expertise
Second example, not so serious this time. Two cases of Hip replacement, one treated with standard treatment in a good Hospital. The other, treated with a new treatment in another Hospital. Both Patients are alive and walking, but the differences in recovery time and possible future complications are tremendous. Both treatments are tested and approved, but one medical team doesn’t know how to perform the newest. Which one would you prefer?
Patient A
Age, 67 years old, good condition, Hip arthrosis that requires replacement. Patient is offered two treatments, one of them traditional approach, and the other one, a newer approach (called MAASH). Patient, after been informed, choose MAASH.
Patient is discharged at 3rd day from the Hospital, walking on his own. Two weeks after the surgery, patient is back to work. No additional rehab required.
Patient B
Age, 67 years old, good condition. Hip arthrosis thet requires replacement. Patient is offered standard treatment in a reputed Hospital of a well known country. ,After the surgery, patient stays six days in Hospital, and performs three additional weeks of rehab. Patient is instructed to avoid –forever- some dangerous movements of the hip, due to the risk of dislocation.
After one month, patient begins to attend to work. Sport is not
Not so. Patient was lucky that the Medical Team had expertise in several techniques. But the Patient could choose the best option, after been informed.
Did his Medical Team heard about new techniques?
Not seems so. And even in the case they know, they probably didn’t have the expertise with the technique to perform it. And probably a lot of patients will pass through this antiquate surgery until the medical team is updated.
A Tale about Rarity
This case is a bit different from the others. It involves a very strange condition, a kind of Adult Muscular Dystrophy. Most of the physicians in this world will never seen a case like this. And getting treatment from your doctor for such a condition, on the long term, well… it is not the best option. Better to have a check up with the people that are used to treat a lot of cases.
Patient A
Age, 48 years old, good condition, veteran from Russian Army. Diagnostic of Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Type 2A. This rare condition appeared on middle age, evident in the pelvic zone. Difficulty with walking has started.
There is no cure for this condition, something the Patient knows. Anyway, he wants to check with some expert the state –of-art of treatments, something that he is not getting from his regular
Patient B
After a careful research –in this case made by OmnixHealth Scientific Department-, t was quite clear that this strange muscular disease appears more frequently in Amish (USA) and specially in the Basque Country., where some physicians were used to treat not only a single case, but a numerous group of them.
After reviewing the literature, and contacting the active
Not at all. Patient was looking actively for help. He had searched the web about his condition, but he had not a clear idea about that. Lots of pages without info, or offering fake solutions. Time to look for help.
Could the Patient have found by himself?
No. In cases like these, some research should be done, with specialized tools. And also it is necessary to have a deep background education in research medicine to understand what is published. And then, as always, a net of contacts and experience to contact the right doctor.